Friday, May 29, 2009

The Lake Show

There are a lot of theories, wishes, hopes, and dreams about the NBA Finals this year - Kobe vs. Lebron, Lebron vs. Kobe, King James vs. Black Mamba, Orlando vs. Denver.

I think that my vintage t-shirt that I purchased in the picture to the right...shows where I stand. Don't judge me, just trust me - the Lake Show will go on. :) For those of you that know me...when I'm a fan of something...I'm a FAN. I have a passion for it, and I will do all and what I can to make you understand how great something is. That's not what this is about. I will not attempt to make you a Laker fan...Laker fans have an understanding and a belief that can't be picked up by just anyone. There's something special there...and only we know it. (Now...if someone finally drops some $$$ and brings a team to I won't leave my Lakers...but I will grow a passion for the new hometown team!! )

What I can say - and quite a few of you may agree with me - the Kobe and Lebron Nike commercials are the best thing to come out of all of this. I want to shake the hand of the group of folks that came up with the idea to make them puppets, make them live together, and whoever came up with their random dialogue. I love it, and for the past 2 weeks I have watched this video daily...don't judge me...:)

I can say that this years' playoffs have been fun to watch...and I trust that these remaining games in these conference finals are going to keep us on the edge of our seat. Sports entertainment is at its best!!


Calling It A Night

Thanks to my wonderful friend A.P. I have discovered, and fallen in love with one of the best known hole-in-the-walls in KC known as Town-Topic.
A.P. - Thank you for introducing to such a wonderful delight that has capped off our many nights of randomness. Thank you for introducing me to the location of the best pancakes in KC. Thank you...thank you...thank you!!
After a night of randomness - which happens to occur every time we venture out into the nightlife of KC - there's nothing like a bacon, egg, & cheese with one (1) hot cake to comfort the night, soak up the alcohol, and fill my belly!! But what makes Town-Topic so special are these other interesting elements:
  • The unspoken "fight" that occurs to secure a seat...there's only about 11.
  • The greasy receipt you have to turn in to pay for your order.
  • The drunk woman who argues on the phone with her significant other.
  • The man in the roller skates with either no bottoms on, or has on shorts too short you can't tell...and you really don't want to know either way.
  • The drunk man who thinks it's okay to speak to you in a different language...regardless of your race.
  • The moment when the whole place goes silent because a black man has raised his voice.
  • The envy you have of the people that called their order in.
  • The random music that comes on because someone decided to lighten the mood and put money in the jukebox in the corner.
  • The inner-fight you have with yourself to play or not to play the Soprano Pin Ball Machine.
  • The other inner-fight you have with yourself to hold your pee...cause no one really knows what is behind that "door" that is supposed to lead to a restroom.

If you have not had the pleasure of a burger with an egg, the infamous "truckstop", the best pancakes in KC, or drinking orange juice from one of those mini-cartons...take a trip to Town-Topic whenever you can. If you want the element of surprise and shock...go after midnight!!
