This is my way to reflect on the random things that seem to occur in my life...
Overall, the show was hot - Mr. Carter gave you your $$$'s worth, and made sure you had a good time. I can appreciate his talent, and his love for music - and if he swings back thru KC again, I'll probably make another appearance.
ANOTHER NOTE: The police presence was ridiculous...all that hype about loitering and safety, and blah blah blah, was just something else to give the media to talk about. It was a Monday night...did they really expect people to tailgate, and just hang out? As the news reported this morning, there were no incidents, and the show was a success...just like it was in January...without all the extra police presence. Hip Hop is not as dangerous as they want you to believe...quit being so terrified, and learn to appreciate some of it.
***-----> Fanatic Plug - BLUEPRINT III - SEPTEMBER 11, 2009...how I wish I could be at Madison Square Garden on that day...
So blessed that I was able to have such a fabulous trip with my lovely friends, we made a lifetime of memories, that we will cherish forever!!
More to come...
I will never forget where I was...and what I was doing when I found out that MJ was being rushed to the hospital...the pit of my stomach knew things wouldn't be the same, but I kept telling myself (like I did with Tupac) that he was going to pull through, and all would be back to normal. That wasn't the case, and about an hour and some minutes later, I was in my car listening to 107.3 belting out his songs with tears streaming down my face. I felt like I lost a cousin...it was crazy.
The next evening I was in the presence of the legendary Stevie Wonder. He wasn't doing ok. He did his best to give us a memorable show...but it was so obvious how much he was hurting. I felt it to Stevie...
If you don't own "Off the Wall," "Thriller," or "Bad" - you have NO idea...hit up iTunes and get your homework done. Then finish the rest of the collection...but those are some of the essentials...:)
1. Eminem getting another man's lower crotch and buttocks in his face...in front of millions of viewers. (My jaw was dropped for about 10 minutes on this one while I twittered and FB to see if what had just happened really had just happened)
2. LeAnn Rhimes & Forrest Whittaker singing operatic versions of "Gizz in my jeans," "D*ck in a Box," and "Mother Lover." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRhjQSgziD8 - probably the best thing from the whole show...lol!
3. Whoever that random producer was having air sex with the popcorn statue that he was awarded.
4. Kiefer Sutherland "crying" over how much he appreciated Ben Stiller as an actor.
5. The new Orbit guy presenting an award.
6. The new WTF Award category.
MTV never lets us down with the disgusting and ridiculous acts of randomness that they stage, or that they just allow to happen. I just hope I didn't lose too many brain cells last night witnessing such madness.
If you have not had the pleasure of a burger with an egg, the infamous "truckstop", the best pancakes in KC, or drinking orange juice from one of those mini-cartons...take a trip to Town-Topic whenever you can. If you want the element of surprise and shock...go after midnight!!