Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Even iTunes Can Hate...

You have never let me down...but on did the were a step were hurt ALMOST ruined my week. We've been through too much...we've had some amazing've come through in some clutch situations...but yesterday, you made me curse you.

For those that know me, you know that I've been anticipating the album release of BP3 -

SIDETRACK (ya'll know I'm random) - This album is AMAZING!! GET IT JAY!! It's not better than BP1 or the Black Album...but it's sitting up there with them...his evolution as an artist is like damn!! Maybe some of these folks that are afraid to progress and grow up will learn something from Hov...cause he maps it all out in BP3...GET UP ON IT...before it's time to get "Off That."

BACK ON TRACK: So, as my fellow iTuners know, when you pre-order an album it comes at midnight on the day the album is scheduled to drop. Well with all leakage, BP3 decided to come 3 days early - folks just couldn't wait. (And yes, I had a bootleg version in my inbox for about a week. I refused to listen...until iTunes started trying to ruin my life) I guess iTunes didn't get the message, because as of this morning, my pre-ordered BP3 had not downloaded into my freakin library!! I tried to be patient, and didn't even trip off not getting it yesterday. I downloaded the new version, I restarted my laptop, and I just knew that iTunes was going to come through for me...I knew absolutely nothing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you iTunes for making me resort to my leaked copy - which is missing tracks #11 and #12 so I can't give a full review - that took 20 minutes to download on my work PC. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me that you're not the best of the best, and that you are flawed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for allowing me to see that you have hate in your blood too iTunes...keeping me from my BP3 bliss was nothing but pure hate.

You can only make me love you if when I return to my humble abode that the entire album is downloaded, and the pdf of the album cover is downloaded, and the exclusive iTunes tracks are downloaded...please do all you can to redeem's so necessary!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Stuntin' Like My Daddy"

If you would've asked me 5 years ago if I would attend a Lil Wayne concert with my father...I would've said yes. For those of you that have experience Mr. Denmon aka my Daddy - you know it's not to far fetched for him. His favorite song right now is "Get Wetter" by Twista...and that says what?

So last night, he and I ventured to Starlight Theatre in Swope Park to experience the music of Mr. Carter and his "...amazing @ss band." It was a last minute deal, as I had no intentions on going since the new hotness Drake had been taken off the bill. But Pops wanted to check it out...and I did hear that Lil Weezy did fab when he was here in January at Sprint Center. So, we made it a Daddy/Daughter date, strapped up, and headed on - just kidding on the strapped up part...well at least for me...Pops is "Always Strapped."

**SIDE NOTE: Since we arrived at 8:00PM we were not forced to endure the torture of Soulja Boy Tell 'Em and his riff raff. We got there just in time to grab a brats and get it with Young Jeezy!! **

I was impressed with the showcase of talent of Wayne. His presence was strong, his voice was on, he swore he could dance, he wasn't drunk, his audience participation was fab, and I didn't see his underwear!! His catalog of albums, hooks, and random freestyles would have had him on stage for 3+ hours...but he gave us 1.8 solid hours of his most recent and most popular hooks, guest appearances, top hits, and the best of the best from The Carter III.

My Favorites:

  • "Phone Home" - I really do think he's a martian.

  • "FireMan" - The pyros and the lighting for this were too hott!!

  • "Prom Queen" - He made sure we knew he could play the electric guitar.

  • "Always Strapped" - Special surprise guest appearance from his Daddy aka Birdman.

  • "Go DJ" - Dedicated to his tour DJ...I don't think anyone in the crowd stopped moving during thise one.

  • His ode to his favorite rappers: Biggie, Pac, Jay, and himself.

  • His three most important things: God, his fans, and his fans.

  • "We having a wonderful, extraordinary, super, fantastic f*!king time!"

  • Lil' Twist - the cutie patootie came out on a segway...and had a dang!!

My Not-So-Favorites:
  • Ms. Shanelle....wamp, wamp, wamp

  • The "Back That Thang Up" performance from his dancers...just wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG!!

  • The random members of Young Money Entertainment

  • No Drake... :-(

  • "How ya'll doing KANSAS?!?" - You're in KCMO...get it right dammit!!

Overall, the show was hot - Mr. Carter gave you your $$$'s worth, and made sure you had a good time. I can appreciate his talent, and his love for music - and if he swings back thru KC again, I'll probably make another appearance.

ANOTHER NOTE: The police presence was ridiculous...all that hype about loitering and safety, and blah blah blah, was just something else to give the media to talk about. It was a Monday night...did they really expect people to tailgate, and just hang out? As the news reported this morning, there were no incidents, and the show was a success...just like it was in January...without all the extra police presence. Hip Hop is not as dangerous as they want you to believe...quit being so terrified, and learn to appreciate some of it.


***-----> Fanatic Plug - BLUEPRINT III - SEPTEMBER 11, I wish I could be at Madison Square Garden on that day...

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's been a long time...I shouldn't have left you...

Yes, it's been a while since I've posted initial goal was to have something posted every week in order to best record the randomness that occurs in my life. But, here lately, my life has been somewhat of a whirlwind - I mean past few weeks have been a blast, exhausting, memorable, fun, crazy, exciting, and of course random as all get out!! But, as my little birdie always says, "...such is life."

This is just an introduction to re-install my commitment of weekly reports of randomness. My first entry will be a re-cap of my AMAZING trip to Puerto Rico with some of my fabulous friends.


  • Our hotel/resort/casino was jumpin every night. When Krissy and I pulled up, we thought we were at a night club...there were three bars, a live band, and salsa dancing all in the main lobby...RANDOM!!

  • Columbus Short (KC native, "Little Walter" - Cadillac Records, "DJ" - Stomp the Yard) yelled "36th & Garfield ni**a!!" at while I was walking into the hotel.

  • Someone jacked the nice Polish man for $100.00

  • Lines? What lines?...we don't do!!

  • Photo shoot on the stage at the club... PR randoms all in the group shots and in the background.

  • Let's pretend we're Stella and run on the beach!!

  • Adult delights called Frozen Bacardi Mango Mojito's from Jorge! (DOUBLE-FISTED)

  • Jet Ski's - I watched from the!

  • Metropol/"Pink Skirt" Invite/Walgreens/Nite Nite

  • Rain Forest Adventure!!

  • Booty-first fall on the rocks...not me...he he he

  • Pool Handstands...who has what it takes??

  • PR Papis!! - and one swore he was C. Breezy...he had the stars-on-the-neck tatts and everything...

  • TX Boys!

  • Fine Italian Dining...oh and Holiday bad, Vingh Rhames...he he he

  • Streets of PR adventure...rooftop lounges with blue lights...lap dances...puff puff give..."is that a crab?"

  • OLD San Juan!!

  • Banana Boat Catastrophes...again, I watched from the!!

  • Onion volcanos, skrimps, and cute chefs!!

  • Taxi Vans with TV'S playing hip hop music videos...get it Jose or Juan...can't remember, but he was the BEST!!

  • iLLeGal U-Turns/Parliament Lights Box/" people!!" (plus one Asian)

  • DJ M-Salary - there will be an entry about this new love really soon!!

  • Kissing the beach and San Juan goodbye...

  • United Airlines...never mind we'll send you back to American Airlines...wait...yea, stay there...
  • I am NOT prepared to assist in case of an emergency...


So blessed that I was able to have such a fabulous trip with my lovely friends, we made a lifetime of memories, that we will cherish forever!!

More to come...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lying to Kick It

"You ain't gotsta ain't gotsta ain't gotsta lie to kick it." - Silkk the Shocker

I thought that the older I got, such nonsense would no longer exist; but what I'm starting to find actually gets worse. One of my biggest turn offs is a liar. Can't stand it...we're grown...what in the hell do you have to lie about? If you're not OK with yourself, then put a plan together, and start taking action on making you the self that you want to be. Or don't say anything at all, unless someone asks you. 80% of the time the ones that are boasting and bragging about what their imagination wishes they had are volunteering that information. No one asked how many bottles you bought at the club last night. No one asked how much your mortgage/rent was each month. No one asked if you had a loft or an apartment. No one asked how long you've had your car. No one asked if you had a new phone on the way cause the one you're using now is a loaner. No one asked any of that. But you are so insecure with who you are, and what you have (like that even matters) that you have to go above an beyond to create this perception that you have it going's not that deep.

Stop faking the's not's not a good look - and in the end you'll have to keep telling more lies to cover the other lies that you used to cover the other lies you used earlier. End the madness now!!


P.S. I have a hotcake from Town Topic (my treat) if you can tell me what album that line came from...:-)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


"Call the radio right now...that *bleep* Dream dun put it down again...Dream gon put it down again..."
"If you ain't got no booty then you gotta go home..."
"So everytime that you think of me, know I've been making love to Nikki"
"Call LaTisha yo beautician...cause yo hair is gon need fixin'"
"Girls like you...turn men like me into haters..."
"If she cooks you eggs an grits in the should tip should tip her."


Mr. Nash has me hooked...and I'm not afraid to admit it. I listen to Love/Hate and Love vs. Money often on the iPod...probably like once a week. I've put a few of my close friends up on his talent, and they're in love as well. It doesn't take much...if you enjoy unique stories that aren't being told by the other R&B crooners out there.

My Top Five (5) are:
5. Love vs. Money (pt 2)

4. I Luv Your Girl

3. Mr. Yeah

2. Falsetto

1. She Needs My Love

If you have an open-mind...and favor the sounds and effects of will be able to appreciate The-Dream.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My New Best Friend

If you know know it doesn't take much to entertain me.

If you know know my phone isn't my world...but it's my continent.

If you know know I don't do lines...unless absolutely necessary. So why was up @ 730AM on a SATURDAY to drive downtown with the intentions of standing in a line to wait for the Sprint Studio store to open up so that I could get my hands on the new Palm Pre. My Treo 755 was beyond ready to was talking back to me. So it just seemed like perfect timing...but again why was prepared to wait in line for a dang phone?? Crazy...I know.

Well, now I have it, and we're so in love. The first weekend...we made out a lot. Now we're full blown lovers. I check out movie times, restaurant reviews, FB, Twitter, my gmail account, use the GPS navigation system...oh and I make phone calls and send text messages too. For the last two years, I've been saying that if there was a keyboard attached to the iPhone or the Instinct....I'd get one...texting without a keyboard is completely foreign to me, and I don't want Rosetta Stone to help me figure it out - and now I don't have to.

Thank you Palm and Sprint for putting together the ideal phone for me and my needs. We are so happy together - accept that whole battery life thing - but we're in counseling for!


"Don't Stop Till You Get Enough"

Whenever the beat drops...and he starts talking...I smile. I know what's coming...he mentions the forces, and I know what's coming...then he talks about what they make him feel like, and I know what's coming...then it finally arrives..."Whooo!" (Dininininninininininninniaa Dun Dun). The image above pops in my head, and I start my hips to movin.
My memories of MJ will last until nature makes me forget...but nature wouldn't do such a thing. The King of Pop, his music, his music videos, his coos, his "he he's" and his fashion is laced throughout my entire life. Those random memories include:
  • My first concert - Mom purchased white sweatshirts, took them to the T-shirt shop at Bannister Mall had the Human Nature cover screen-printed on the front, and the word BAD printed on the back. My brother and I were ready for the time of our lives, and I swore Michael was going to come into the audience and dance with me.
  • Being scared of "Thriller" - I couldn't watch it at night...freaked me out! Especially that part right before Michael turns and it shows that zombie with all the blood in his mouth and he makes the freakiest noise ever...I just got chills...eek!!
  • My record of "The Way You Make Me Feel" - yes...I had the record...
  • My male cosins re-enacting scenes from American Dream: The Jackson Story - I'm giggling now thinking about Lil' Floyd doing the Pepsi commercial scene when MJ got hit with sparks, fell, and rolled down those stairs..."AWWWW my head...awww my hair..."
  • My baby brother and I doing the Thriller routine in Mom's kitchen - you better believed we killed it!! :)

I will never forget where I was...and what I was doing when I found out that MJ was being rushed to the hospital...the pit of my stomach knew things wouldn't be the same, but I kept telling myself (like I did with Tupac) that he was going to pull through, and all would be back to normal. That wasn't the case, and about an hour and some minutes later, I was in my car listening to 107.3 belting out his songs with tears streaming down my face. I felt like I lost a was crazy.

The next evening I was in the presence of the legendary Stevie Wonder. He wasn't doing ok. He did his best to give us a memorable show...but it was so obvious how much he was hurting. I felt it to Stevie...

If you don't own "Off the Wall," "Thriller," or "Bad" - you have NO idea...hit up iTunes and get your homework done. Then finish the rest of the collection...but those are some of the essentials...:)


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Purple One...

Well...since his one of a kind voice is stuck in my head...I figured I'd blog about him.

Oh, Prince...will you PLEASE book another tour date in Kansas City?? The last time you did, I was in college and it was the week of finals...coming home for a once in a lifetime event wasn't a priority of dumb I was...but I got my degree!! :) But seriously, can you make another trip back to my city, so I can experience the greatness you bring to a stage? Just asking...

Last night, a friend of mine decided that Prince should have been on rotation for the night. We listened to ALL of "3121" - one of my faves, and some retro Prince such as "Purple Rain" (which I learned is exactly 8 minutes and 18 seconds); "Kiss", "When Doves Cry", and "Pink Cashmere". As a result of this random listening session...I can't get the Artist Formally Known out of my head. Don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining...I just wish I could funnel all these random songs onto an MP3 disc and get the party started for real.

So...I'm going to go through my Prince catalog of faves and create my ultimate play list...feel free to drop off your suggestions...


Monday, June 1, 2009

MTV - SMH...

Last night, after a day of rest, and an evening of cooking and baking, I plopped down on my couch and started surfing channels. I landed on MTV. Airing at the exact time that I landed on the channel was the 2009 MTV Movie Awards - now based on the history of this award show, I knew that there would be a slew of random acts that made no sense at all.

What I wasn't ready for was the following:

1. Eminem getting another man's lower crotch and buttocks in his front of millions of viewers. (My jaw was dropped for about 10 minutes on this one while I twittered and FB to see if what had just happened really had just happened)

2. LeAnn Rhimes & Forrest Whittaker singing operatic versions of "Gizz in my jeans," "D*ck in a Box," and "Mother Lover." - probably the best thing from the whole!

3. Whoever that random producer was having air sex with the popcorn statue that he was awarded.

4. Kiefer Sutherland "crying" over how much he appreciated Ben Stiller as an actor.

5. The new Orbit guy presenting an award.

6. The new WTF Award category.

MTV never lets us down with the disgusting and ridiculous acts of randomness that they stage, or that they just allow to happen. I just hope I didn't lose too many brain cells last night witnessing such madness.


Friday, May 29, 2009

The Lake Show

There are a lot of theories, wishes, hopes, and dreams about the NBA Finals this year - Kobe vs. Lebron, Lebron vs. Kobe, King James vs. Black Mamba, Orlando vs. Denver.

I think that my vintage t-shirt that I purchased in the picture to the right...shows where I stand. Don't judge me, just trust me - the Lake Show will go on. :) For those of you that know me...when I'm a fan of something...I'm a FAN. I have a passion for it, and I will do all and what I can to make you understand how great something is. That's not what this is about. I will not attempt to make you a Laker fan...Laker fans have an understanding and a belief that can't be picked up by just anyone. There's something special there...and only we know it. (Now...if someone finally drops some $$$ and brings a team to I won't leave my Lakers...but I will grow a passion for the new hometown team!! )

What I can say - and quite a few of you may agree with me - the Kobe and Lebron Nike commercials are the best thing to come out of all of this. I want to shake the hand of the group of folks that came up with the idea to make them puppets, make them live together, and whoever came up with their random dialogue. I love it, and for the past 2 weeks I have watched this video daily...don't judge me...:)

I can say that this years' playoffs have been fun to watch...and I trust that these remaining games in these conference finals are going to keep us on the edge of our seat. Sports entertainment is at its best!!


Calling It A Night

Thanks to my wonderful friend A.P. I have discovered, and fallen in love with one of the best known hole-in-the-walls in KC known as Town-Topic.
A.P. - Thank you for introducing to such a wonderful delight that has capped off our many nights of randomness. Thank you for introducing me to the location of the best pancakes in KC. Thank you...thank you...thank you!!
After a night of randomness - which happens to occur every time we venture out into the nightlife of KC - there's nothing like a bacon, egg, & cheese with one (1) hot cake to comfort the night, soak up the alcohol, and fill my belly!! But what makes Town-Topic so special are these other interesting elements:
  • The unspoken "fight" that occurs to secure a seat...there's only about 11.
  • The greasy receipt you have to turn in to pay for your order.
  • The drunk woman who argues on the phone with her significant other.
  • The man in the roller skates with either no bottoms on, or has on shorts too short you can't tell...and you really don't want to know either way.
  • The drunk man who thinks it's okay to speak to you in a different language...regardless of your race.
  • The moment when the whole place goes silent because a black man has raised his voice.
  • The envy you have of the people that called their order in.
  • The random music that comes on because someone decided to lighten the mood and put money in the jukebox in the corner.
  • The inner-fight you have with yourself to play or not to play the Soprano Pin Ball Machine.
  • The other inner-fight you have with yourself to hold your pee...cause no one really knows what is behind that "door" that is supposed to lead to a restroom.

If you have not had the pleasure of a burger with an egg, the infamous "truckstop", the best pancakes in KC, or drinking orange juice from one of those mini-cartons...take a trip to Town-Topic whenever you can. If you want the element of surprise and shock...go after midnight!!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

Birthday –noun
1. the anniversary of a birth.
2. the day of a person's birth.
3. a day marking or commemorating the origin, founding, or beginning of something.
4. the festivities or celebration marking such a day or anniversary.

Mallorie's Official Birthday - April 25, 1982 @ 3:33PM (it was a Sunday)

What does a birthday mean to you? I recently celebrated my 27th birthday - and it was a very memorable one. I was shown support by my family, friends, associates, co-workers, and even folks who claim that they don't like me...go figure!! At midnight - my exact birthday - we toasted and I gave a slurred speech letting everyone know how blessed I was to have them in my life, and how appreciative I was that they took the time out to support me on my special day.

I can't forget to acknowledge that I share my special day with my Father which makes it even more special. My brother and I took him to breakfast, and enjoyed listening to his random tales and his more-than-a-whisper comments on all the different folks that came to the restaurant. Anyone who knows or who has encountered my father, knows that he is a force to be reckoned you can imagine the randomness of the tales and the comments that he had. My Daddy gave me a gift, that has become a symbol of my 27th year -

He got me the one on the far left.
This key symbolizes me holding the key to my joy - not my happiness, but my joy. Joy comes from within, and during my 27th year, I'm going to be joyful. I know there are going to be many that will try to steal my joy...hell...a few of them tried this weekend, but they just got away with my happiness. My joy in still in my heart, and it is nurtured by my REAL friends, my family, and my love for myself. NO ONE will get a hold of it...and this wonderful gift from my Daddy is a perfect reminder to myself to not let that happen.
All in all, I had a wonderful birthday - Friday was perfect...just the way I imagined it. Saturday was a different story, but it was memorable at best. I thank each and everyone of my friends that came out to celebrate and support me. I am truly loved and blessed, and am so grateful of this journey called life that the Lord has given me. I've continue to learn and grow from it...which is helping me to become the woman that I am.
Whew...I got deep there for a minute...or did I? Just my random thoughts...
I'm out!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Same Ol' G...

Well...I'm a Ginuwine fan again.

I won't say that I ever stopped being a fan, but he like disappeared for about 4 years, and during that time Trey, The Dream, John, Ryan and a few other R&B crooners went into heavy rotation in the Civic and on the iPod. Matter of fact, I just found my Ginuwine cd's and added them to my iTunes library.

Recently I had the opportunity to participate in a meet & greet with him and a few other ladies that was streamed on-line on It was a cool deal, and I was happy to see our beloved radio station taking steps forward with technology and connecting with their listeners. During the session we got the opportunity to observe an R&B sensation (yes...ya'll know ya'll love some Ginuwine) be interviewed, got to ask him some questions, got to make fun of him ("tastery"), got to have lunch with him, he made fun of us ("greasy bag"), he even scolded some of us who pirate music (lol), and we got to get a chance to just see the real him. He was cool - no "I'm-better-than-you-Hollywood-attitude" and was actually geeking up about the woman who held her phone up the whole time video recording him.
It was delightful to see an artist that was humbled and appreciative of his fans. He actually started asking us questions about the music that we currently listened to and why we liked it. Everything from Soulja Boy's "Turn My Swag On" to Keyshia Cole's "You Complete Me." I had to pub my new favorite "Gibberish" by Ryan Leslie - Mr. Pony had never heard of it, but said he was interested and would look into it. :)
Thank you Ginuwine for understanding that your fans are all you got...there are so many artist who go Hollywood and forget how they got there. If it wasn't for our radio request, downloads, word-of-mouth, cd purchases, iTunes purchases, concert ticket purchases, etc. where would you be?
If you haven't seen it already - click the link below to check out his current single "Last Chance" - this vid got a lot of buzz on the Internet gossip sites due to the chemistry between he and Lisa!!
I'm out!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rats & Cheese

Last weekend, I was requested to host a VIP room at DJ Q's Bday Party. The details were as follows:

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009
Time: 11pm - 3am
Location: America's Pub
Attire: Damn Shame What They Did To That Dog...
What: A hotghettomess!!

Q is my boy - I think he's one of the hottest DJ's in KC. So of course when the opportunity presented itself, I was in...matter of fact, I think plans were made to make an appearance anyway. Now, don't judge me...I had been to the Pub twice this year before this and my girls had some random nights that just happened to lead us there on two occasions. So, when I arrived last Saturday night, I had an idea of what I was getting into.

Here is a list of the randomness that occurred during the few hours I was there on Saturday:

1. Fashion Disasters
2. Hygiene Disasters
3. BM/BD Drama " ain't gon eva see yo daughter again n*@@#!
4. Fight #1 - females of course
5. "I'm going to take this cheese on this table and throw it @ all the hungry rats out there"
6. My best friends blind date trying to holler @ me with all the gold teeth in KC in his mouth!!
7. Fight #2 - females again...this time after one was escorted out she ran back in to re-whoop the girls @ss!!
8. Fight #3 - I didn't see this one...but I heard some weave got tossed around...

It's unfortunate that we can't go out and act like grown folks - and there are so many that are stuck in what they consider the "hood life." Trust me, there's nothing wrong with living in a certain part of the city, but do you have to act a dang fool everytime you go out in public? Everytime you see that chick you can't stand, do you have to talk sh*t about her and bump into her to start some stuff?? You know that shirt didn't fit you last time you wore it out, do you have to wear it again and expose body parts we DON'T want to see? Ladies, get it together...step your game up, turn your swag on, and quit chasing the damn cheese!!

I'm out...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Girls



I am so freakin' blessed!! I have some of the best friends that any girl could ever ask for! My girls honest, fun, beautiful, supportive, DIVAs, intellegent, classy, and independent. Without them, I have no idea what I would do!! They have helped so much with all the ups, downs, and random times in my life. And I have been there for them the same - at least I try to be.

As we've all grown...we've all changed in our unique ways - but what hasn't changed is our friendship.

I've heard the tragic stories of friends who back-stab, lie to each other, steal each others man (knowingly), start rumors, and are constantly putting each other down. What type of friend is that? I was watching "Daddy's Little Girls" the other day, and I got so pissed at her so-called friends who were telling her that he just wasn't the one for her. That she was so much better than him; and not because he was an @sshole, not because he was a playa playa, but because he didn't have her same income, and didn't come from her same background. They sucked at being good friends...they encouraged her to go out with that dumb 40-yr old rapper, and that dumb married man...but she gets someone who treats her right and they get all "we're-to-good-for-this-and-that".

My life's journey has brought some of the most amazing women into my life. I have the kind of friends that we may not speak for weeks/months, but when we get back's like we never stopped speaking. I have the kind of friends that will hold you when a person with a penis has broken your heart. I have the kind of friends that will stay up with you all night to take out every track, and comb through every nap. I have the kind of friends that will pass on dirty looks to those chicks that hate you for whatever random reason. I have the kind of friends that will take your crush's phone to put your number in it, even though they may spell your name wrong. I have the kind of friends that will laugh at you when you're being random. I have the kind of friends that know when you're in a mood, and will just let you be. I have the best friends...EVER!!

If you have these type of women in your life, hold on to them, never let them go, treasure them, and give them all the beauty and the grace they send your way. Make sure not to lose them over some nonsense, be real with them, and accept them for them...not who you think they should be.

Thanks for reading...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Revenge: "to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, esp. in a resentful or vindictive spirit; to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for; avenge"

I don't know why, but my mind has been consumed with the though of revenge; what it means, who I need to get it on, does it even matter, will it solve anything, will it hurt me more than anything? I have gotten to a point several times in my life where I contemplated doing something wrong to someone else for the wrong they brought to me. I mean I've come up with some GOOD plans that wouldn't lead to me (I've seen CSI and Law & Order one too many, some plans that would leave that person hurting bad - both mentally, physically, and spiritually. When someone hurts you like that...sometimes all you can think about is how to make them feel the same...if not worse.

But, as I get older (and better...*wink*) I've learned that vengeance is not belongs to the Lord; and God don't like ugly. Then I look around and realize that those who have made the decision to hurt me or others around them, can't seem to get anything right. They're constantly trying to move forward (through deceit, and other wrongdoings) and they keep getting pushed 3 steps back. One of my life motto's is to treat others as you want to be treated. It's the only way to go!! When you try to live your life right, and be a blessings to those around you, never will you have to worry about those that decide to hurt you. They'll get there's...they always do, and I speak from a nice chunk of!!

It's fun to think of ways to get back at folks...but is it really worth the energy? You can't help it sometimes, but you can help if you act on it - so don't. Don't give that waste a time any of your time, and focus on what matters the most, living you life to the fullest and giving the same love, respect, and care to others as you want for you and yours. #2...this is getting fun!! :)

"So live ya life....aayyyyyyyy!"


Monday, March 9, 2009

My Very First Time

Well...this is a first for moi...but my lovely cousin Kina has inspired me to start blogging. I go, other than my exercise regiment, this may be a good stress reliever for me.

Speaking of stress - let's get to the title of my blog. iTunes has me on a medium level of pisstivity right now. Since November 2008, I have downloaded 9 songs that they have charged me for, but have NOT shown up in my freakin' library. See, I was trying to go green with my music, trying to stop buying Cd's and just go straight digital...and look where it has gotten me. Don't get me wrong...I love my iPod - side note: My first one got stolen out of my car and I had a breakdown in Arrowhead parking lot...I'll go into details on that another time.

Back to the blog: and I love iTunes, but why won't they give me my Coldplay songs, why won't they give me my Biggie songs - side note #2: After seeing 'Notorious' I had to get a few more in collection - I've never been a Biggie fan, but he had some joints that I loved. Back to the blog: why won't they give me my "Beep", or my "Lions, and tigers, and bears?" Right now iTunes is being a hater, and I'm sick of it. I've sent an email, and reported the problem...I'm doing it again for the 3rd time because time one and time two just didn't work out.

Wow...after typing that one little paragraph, I don't feel so much anger anymore. Maybe this is a good idea. I wonder if you can upload blogs from your phone? I have some moments at work when I may need this stress!!

Thank you cousin...I found a new way to help me stay positive about the random, and ridiculous situations that swing my way!!

Smile Pretty!!
