Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Lying to Kick It
I thought that the older I got, such nonsense would no longer exist; but what I'm starting to find actually gets worse. One of my biggest turn offs is a liar. Can't stand it...we're grown...what in the hell do you have to lie about? If you're not OK with yourself, then put a plan together, and start taking action on making you the self that you want to be. Or don't say anything at all, unless someone asks you. 80% of the time the ones that are boasting and bragging about what their imagination wishes they had are volunteering that information. No one asked how many bottles you bought at the club last night. No one asked how much your mortgage/rent was each month. No one asked if you had a loft or an apartment. No one asked how long you've had your car. No one asked if you had a new phone on the way cause the one you're using now is a loaner. No one asked any of that. But you are so insecure with who you are, and what you have (like that even matters) that you have to go above an beyond to create this perception that you have it going's not that deep.
Stop faking the's not's not a good look - and in the end you'll have to keep telling more lies to cover the other lies that you used to cover the other lies you used earlier. End the madness now!!
P.S. I have a hotcake from Town Topic (my treat) if you can tell me what album that line came from...:-)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mr. Nash has me hooked...and I'm not afraid to admit it. I listen to Love/Hate and Love vs. Money often on the iPod...probably like once a week. I've put a few of my close friends up on his talent, and they're in love as well. It doesn't take much...if you enjoy unique stories that aren't being told by the other R&B crooners out there.
My Top Five (5) are:
5. Love vs. Money (pt 2)
4. I Luv Your Girl
3. Mr. Yeah
2. Falsetto
1. She Needs My Love
If you have an open-mind...and favor the sounds and effects of will be able to appreciate The-Dream.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My New Best Friend
If you know know my phone isn't my world...but it's my continent.
If you know know I don't do lines...unless absolutely necessary. So why was up @ 730AM on a SATURDAY to drive downtown with the intentions of standing in a line to wait for the Sprint Studio store to open up so that I could get my hands on the new Palm Pre. My Treo 755 was beyond ready to was talking back to me. So it just seemed like perfect timing...but again why was prepared to wait in line for a dang phone?? Crazy...I know.
Well, now I have it, and we're so in love. The first weekend...we made out a lot. Now we're full blown lovers. I check out movie times, restaurant reviews, FB, Twitter, my gmail account, use the GPS navigation system...oh and I make phone calls and send text messages too. For the last two years, I've been saying that if there was a keyboard attached to the iPhone or the Instinct....I'd get one...texting without a keyboard is completely foreign to me, and I don't want Rosetta Stone to help me figure it out - and now I don't have to.
Thank you Palm and Sprint for putting together the ideal phone for me and my needs. We are so happy together - accept that whole battery life thing - but we're in counseling for!
"Don't Stop Till You Get Enough"

- My first concert - Mom purchased white sweatshirts, took them to the T-shirt shop at Bannister Mall had the Human Nature cover screen-printed on the front, and the word BAD printed on the back. My brother and I were ready for the time of our lives, and I swore Michael was going to come into the audience and dance with me.
- Being scared of "Thriller" - I couldn't watch it at night...freaked me out! Especially that part right before Michael turns and it shows that zombie with all the blood in his mouth and he makes the freakiest noise ever...I just got chills...eek!!
- My record of "The Way You Make Me Feel" - yes...I had the record...
- My male cosins re-enacting scenes from American Dream: The Jackson Story - I'm giggling now thinking about Lil' Floyd doing the Pepsi commercial scene when MJ got hit with sparks, fell, and rolled down those stairs..."AWWWW my head...awww my hair..."
- My baby brother and I doing the Thriller routine in Mom's kitchen - you better believed we killed it!! :)
I will never forget where I was...and what I was doing when I found out that MJ was being rushed to the hospital...the pit of my stomach knew things wouldn't be the same, but I kept telling myself (like I did with Tupac) that he was going to pull through, and all would be back to normal. That wasn't the case, and about an hour and some minutes later, I was in my car listening to 107.3 belting out his songs with tears streaming down my face. I felt like I lost a was crazy.
The next evening I was in the presence of the legendary Stevie Wonder. He wasn't doing ok. He did his best to give us a memorable show...but it was so obvious how much he was hurting. I felt it to Stevie...
If you don't own "Off the Wall," "Thriller," or "Bad" - you have NO idea...hit up iTunes and get your homework done. Then finish the rest of the collection...but those are some of the essentials...:)